Server OS drive ‘imaged’ today.

Today, I imaged the server’s OS drive, since the last image (not backup, but ‘image’) that I saved was a year ago.  Before I was able to boot the system with the Clonezilla boot disk, I had to replace the DVD Rom drive, since it was dead.  After that was finished, I upgraded the kernel and kernel headers.  The length of time the clonezilla image process took reminded me that I need to cut the size of / and /home.  😀  So, I’m starting on that one now.

Once that is finished to my satisfaction, I shall upgrade the Fedora 13 to 14 initially, and if things go well, to 15 and/or 16.  (I would like to get to at least 17 where the directories /bin, /sbin are ‘merged’ into /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin/ for compatibility.)

Until I return to work on 8 Sep 2014, I would expect that there might be extended periods of server ‘downtime’ as I have decided that the best way to upgrade this legacy Fedora install would be from DVD media.

I will try to reduce inconvenience, but it may be noticeable.  😉