Category Archives: Guitar Information

Zoom G2 Multi-effects Guitar Pedal Manual

I should really post this manual here, as I am going to loan out this pedal to a friend, and this is far easier than trying to keep track of the little paper pamphlet.  😉

I got this sweet little pedal as part of a package deal when I bought a ’93 Samick copy of a Fender Precision bass for $100.  My friend tossed in this brand new pedal for $50.  Nice thing about this pedal is that I have been known to just plug headphones into it, and they are driven quite nicely.  Lots of sounds in this pedal.  It’s almost like a pedal board packed into one pedal.

You can either view the manual by clicking the navigation buttons at the bottom, or download it by clicking the download button at the top.

FULL min-etune manual for Gibson guitars by Tronical

Gibson is shipping almost all of its Les Paul and SG lineup with the Min-etune (now G-Force) automatic tuning system.  However, Gibson only includes a small quick reference card, or a short pdf that you can download.  This is the full manual from the manufacturer (Tronical) that details things like calibration, etc.

I have no idea why Gibson decided to trim the manual so badly, except possibly for the fact that you could probably really mess it up if you aren’t carefull with the additional options and settings.

Here, you can either browse the pdf manual using the viewer navigation buttons below the pdf, or simply just download the 3MB pdf file using the button at the top.  (You may also view it fullscreen, if you choose.)