Installed UPS software and signalling cable on server


Well, when I replaced the server’s UPS batteries,  I noticed that when I upgraded the hardware in late 2010, I must have forgotten to set up the UPS software.  So, I dug out a UPS printer cable, attached that between the server and the UPS, and used yum extender (since the server is Fedora) to install apcupsd, apcupsd-cgi, and apcupsd-gui.  The screenshot shows apcupsd-gui running.  For those of you that are interested in compiling apcupsd from source code, I will try to add a comment to this post in a day or so.  😉

One thought on “Installed UPS software and signalling cable on server”

  1. Here are the instructions if you prefer to hand compile apcupsd.

    First, download the tarball. It is found here: Connect the ups via USB cable. Then do:

    $ lsusb (to make sure that it is 'seen' by your linux box.) Following is how to compile/configure the daemon…..

    $ tar -xzvpf apcupsd*.tar.gz

    $ cd apcupsd(version)

    $ ./configure –enable-usb

    $ make

    $ make install (as root user)

    To be able to run it you need to set some config files. In /etc/default/apcupsd set


    In /etc/apcupsd/apcupsd.conf:

    UPSCABLE usb (default: smart)

    UPSTYPE usb (default: apcsmart) DEVICE (default: /dev/ttyS0)

    Before you start the daemon, run apctest to fully test the UPS, as well as to calibrate the batteries, etc. Start the daemon and you’re in business:

    $ /etc/init.d/apcupsd start


    $ service apcupsd start

    Optionally, you can also install apcupsd-cgi, in order to get some nice cgi scripts for viewing your apc status in a web browser like this:

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