New Camera Server

CamServer VNC Screenshot.

This is the new camera server that was just put into service today.  Compaq Ultra Small Form Factor DC-7700, running at 3.40GHz with 3GB of RAM and a 160GB Sata Hdd.  It is backed up using Ghost 15.

I see no real need to attach a  display to this box, as I can remote into it and do anything that I need to.

Only things left to do, are to move it to the other servers (at the moment, it’s not where it’s going to end up), and get the other cameras up and running.  😀

See, give a computer geek time off, and he feels the ‘need’ to improve the network infrastructure, heh.  Let’s see: yesterday, I upgraded the CRAB server’s storage drive, today I set up the camera server…..  Thinking about possibly upgrading the server’s Fedora OS sometime soon.  😉

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