Comodo Antivirus for Linux Issue (and fix)

In my last post, I talked about a bitcoin miner and Comodo Antivirus.  Well, you may not realize this, but Comodo AV is available for most of the main Linux distributions, in their native packages.  You just have to select your distribution and whether it’s 32 or 64 bit, and download it…. You will see from the image at the right, that it bears a striking resemblance to its windows cousin.  In my case, since I use Fedora, I received an .rpm file (stands for redhat package management).  Installation was a snap using the terminal shell, and after a reboot, it showed up in the menu of my Mate desktop manager. 😉  However, there was a fly in the ointment.  After the RPM installed successfully, I was told to run /opt/COMODO/ as root (or sudo).  However, it failed building the filesystem filter driver, as seen on the left.  Without that, there will be no ‘real time’ virus protection, which kind of is the whole reason for running an antivirus package in the first place, doesn’t it?  Well, I have the solution for y’all right here.  All you need to do is to download this replacement file:   cav_kernel4.1_driver  and replace the defective driver.tar file in /opt/COMODO/ (or where ever your distribution puts the main directory).  This replacement is for kernel 4.1 or less…. Then, you can rerun the and it should build the filesystem filter driver properly.  😉

Hope that I managed to help anybody that’s having issues with CAVL.

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