Kodi/XBMC 20.4 Released

I know awhile ago, I alluded that Kodi 20.3 would be the last stable release in the 20-series, before Kodi 21.0 is released.  But, an interim release to fix various bug has been released, Kodi 20.4.

Pretty good news if any of the bugfixes would impact you.  Only one hitch.  It’s not in the google play store, so if you need it, you’d have to download it and sideload it.

If that is what you would like to do,  here is the download link: Kodi Downloads. If you are using an Android, most people would need the ARMV7A one.

So, if you need it, download and sideload it as there are no indications that it will be put in the play store and the next release version that you may see there will be 21.