With every upgrade paths there are bound to be hiccups. Yesterday, the power company disrupted my service for an hour or so to replace a pole. Unfortunately, only the ONT power supply was on the UPS, and the fiber router was not. I have a fairly stout UPS that will keep up my two main servers, and various other items a couple hours or so.
Well, the only thing that should have happened would be a connectivity disruption. I am business class with a static IP address, and when everything came back up together, it gave me a dynamic IP address. Spent awhile on the phone today with Frontier, and a tech has to come by. They think the router is defective and not maintaining static connection versus dynamic.
The nice part about business class, is that calling them, you usually get connected almost immediately. Another nice thing is my tech visit appointment to replace the router is TOMORROW. 😉
So, for the moment, the krabradio.net domain still points to the IP that is supposed to be my static address. I have set crabradio.net to the current dynamic address. That should hold things until tomorrow. After the router issue gets taken care of, I shall point all domains back to the static IP. For now, webpages (to include blogs), ftp, icecast stream, ssh, etc should all be working fine. Unfortunately, the ircd won’t be working until this matter is resolved.
P.S. Besides, the servers, now the ONT power supply and the fiber router are both on the UPS. 😉
Thanks for your patience.
<the management>