Recorded this song today, using my 2013 Gibson SG tuned to open E, over a backing track. Enjoy.
Informational Update
Well, a lot of things have happened since my last blog fell by the wayside. I think I shall only focus on the most recent server stuff.
In November or December of 2010, I upgraded the aging (10-year-old) CRAB server to both new hardware, as well as Fedora 13 (from Redhat 7.3). I really need to update it a few more revisions sometime soon, as I think Fedora is up to 20 or something. They seem to be cranking out the updates at light speed.
Most recently, my ex-wife, Teri, stopped her job, sold her house, and bought an RV. She reached out to me to create a blog for her and her husband’s travels. Her blog is running on PivotX, and I password protected it to keep out unwanted viewers. Otherwise, I’d post the URL here.
On the server-side of the coin, I have just about filled up the 1TB storage drive, so I have already purchased a 2TB ‘upgrade’ hard drive. 🙂 I actually have all the blogs running on it, even though they are utilizing an SQL database structure on the system drive. Since I have the large storage and backup drives residing in ‘hot swap’ bays, I will pop out the backup drive, pop in the upgrade drive, and while the system is running (blogs being updated, music streaming, ftp clients connecting, etc), I will just do a ‘cp -rp’ Linux command, so that it will ‘clone’ the smaller drive to the larger drive (including ALL the filestamps and permissions). When done, I shall just unmount both, pull the smaller drive, and move the larger one to that bay, and reinstall the backup drive.
Bottom line is, my users should see *minimal* down time and inconveniences. 🙂
While I’m at it, I will need to ‘hot swap’ the server/modem/router APC Smartups 750EX UPS batteries, since they are dying.
I will keep y’all posted, but I intend to get proactive on all this the first week of September, or so. (Maybe even upgrading Fedora to 15 or 16, heh)
CRAB Blog is back!!!!
Well after about a six-year hiatus, CRAB Blog is back on the air. I wanted to resurrect this blog years ago, but my web admin, Don Landes, has all but disappeared. At any rate, I finally got motivated enough to restart the blog with a new look.  Don’t worry though, all the old content (Linux tips, tricks, etc) is still available at
CRAB Old Blog. The old blog’s user/password is: blog/old. (You can even see a picture of Schatzi at about 4 weeks old there….)
You all can contact me if you wish, with requests, questions, or whatever. Just use the following contact form, and I’ll try to get right back to you.
[contact-form to=’’ subject=’BLOG contact’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
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