CRAB server updated to Fedora 14

Fedora14Capture  VNC screen capture

Well, the upgrade this morning to Fedora 14 was a lot more painless than Redhat 7.2 -> 7.3 back in the day.  Sure went a lot faster, too.  Only about one hour, including the 15 minute DVD media ‘check’.

Upon boot, there were the initial problems that I pretty much expected:  The stream was dead since ices wouldn’t run, and (much more importantly) yumex was dead as well.  So, I took care of the issues in order of priority.  (And, MOST importantly, and surprising to me, the Ethernet interface was DOWN.)

(as root user)

$ ifup eth0

$ yum clean all

$ yum update yumex  (then, the same for python-kitchen and pexpect.)  That took care of yumex, so that I can easily update all the system packages that the upgrade didn’t address.

ices was bitching about libshout2, which got updated during the upgrade, so a recompile was in order for that.  First, I had to download ices-0.4.tar.gz.

$ tar -xzvpf ices-0.4.tar.gz

$ cd ices-0.4

$ /.configure –with-perl –with-python –with-lame

$ make

(become root user)

$ make install

Since the CRAB server has a ‘custom’ file location for ices, I let it install to the location it wants to (by default), in case another program wants it there, and simply copy it over the ices in the custom location (preserving permissions and ownerships).

Now, I just have to update all the installed packages, using YumEx.  Depending how long that takes, will determine whether I’ll upgrade to Fedora 15 this evening.  😉


Dar backup scripts still running on server – pending OS upgrade.

Well, after I pruned down the size a bit on the CRAB server.  Here’s a summary of why that had to be done:


Filesystem                                                 Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_root        50G   40G    7.3G  85%       /
tmpfs                                                           1.9G  204K  1.9G   1%        /dev/shm
/dev/sda1                                              485M   45M  415M  10%   /boot
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_home  129G   67G   56G  55%       /home
/dev/sdb1                                              1.8T  856G  886G  50%  /mnt/storage
/dev/sdc1                                               1.8T  796G  945G  46% /mnt/backup


Filesystem                                              Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_root      50G   21G   27G  45%     /
tmpfs                                                         1.9G  352K  1.9G   1%    /dev/shm
/dev/sda1                                           485M   45M  415M  10%  /boot
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_home  129G   17G  106G  14%  /home
/dev/sdb1                                               1.8T  924G  818G  54% /mnt/storage
/dev/sdc1                                                1.8T  924G  818G  54% /mnt/backup

You will see the problem areas highlighted in red, and the end product in green.  I can probably still trim the system / partition a bit, but it’s MUCH better, and should pose no problems with the OS upgrading process.  The /boot partition will be fine. 😉

The pruning will be fairly ‘transparent’ to users as I used some pretty slick symbolic links to ‘move’ the content to the storage drive.

The dar backup script for the top level of the storage drive has run about three days, as it’s fairly large.  I expect it to complete sometime today, or overnight, and expect to start the upgrade with the Fedora 14 dvd.  If all goes well, I might just go ahead and push on with Fedora 15.  I really don’t foresee any issues through Fedora 16, but not sure with 17, as it moves a few directories like /sbin and /bin, merging their content under /usr/sbin and /usr/bin for compatibility.  Time will tell. 😉

Server OS drive ‘imaged’ today.

Today, I imaged the server’s OS drive, since the last image (not backup, but ‘image’) that I saved was a year ago.  Before I was able to boot the system with the Clonezilla boot disk, I had to replace the DVD Rom drive, since it was dead.  After that was finished, I upgraded the kernel and kernel headers.  The length of time the clonezilla image process took reminded me that I need to cut the size of / and /home.  😀  So, I’m starting on that one now.

Once that is finished to my satisfaction, I shall upgrade the Fedora 13 to 14 initially, and if things go well, to 15 and/or 16.  (I would like to get to at least 17 where the directories /bin, /sbin are ‘merged’ into /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin/ for compatibility.)

Until I return to work on 8 Sep 2014, I would expect that there might be extended periods of server ‘downtime’ as I have decided that the best way to upgrade this legacy Fedora install would be from DVD media.

I will try to reduce inconvenience, but it may be noticeable.  😉

New Camera Server

CamServer VNC Screenshot.

This is the new camera server that was just put into service today.  Compaq Ultra Small Form Factor DC-7700, running at 3.40GHz with 3GB of RAM and a 160GB Sata Hdd.  It is backed up using Ghost 15.

I see no real need to attach a  display to this box, as I can remote into it and do anything that I need to.

Only things left to do, are to move it to the other servers (at the moment, it’s not where it’s going to end up), and get the other cameras up and running.  😀

See, give a computer geek time off, and he feels the ‘need’ to improve the network infrastructure, heh.  Let’s see: yesterday, I upgraded the CRAB server’s storage drive, today I set up the camera server…..  Thinking about possibly upgrading the server’s Fedora OS sometime soon.  😉

Tech, music, and general ramblings…..