Error 0x8007232B occurs when trying to activate Windows 7

Over the weekend, got the following error message when trying to activate Windows 7 Pro:

Windows could not be activated.
Key management services (KMS) host could not be located in domain name system (DNS), please have your system adminstrator verify that a KMS is published correctly in DNS.
Error: 0x8007232b
DNS name does not exist.
IfKMS activationwill not be used, and if there is noKMS server, the product keyshould be changed to an MAK. For Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN), or forTechNet, the stock-keeping units (SKUs)that are listed below the media are usually volume licensed-media, and the product key thatis supplied is an MAK key.Change the product key to an MAK. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Start the Start button, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then right-click Command Prompt.
  2. Click Run as administratorUser Access Control permission  If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation
  3. At the command prompt, type the following command, and then press Enter:
    slmgr -ipk xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  4.  Note This command, slmgr, is the Windows Software Licensing Management Tool.  The placeholder xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx represents your MAK product key.  After this, you will be able to activate Windows 7 normally.

Webserver passwords, as well as web ‘symlinks’ WERE broken due to ONE bad .htaccess file!

Well, I unexpectedly caused the web server’s password protected directories ALL to go down the drain with just ONE mistake in ONE .htaccess file.  Not only that, but many symbolic links stopped working in apache, even though they still worked in a CLI.  I am such a dumbass, heh.  Here’s what I did:

This is an example of the .htaccess file I created:

# cat .htaccess

AuthUserFile /XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX/.xxxxx AuthGroupFile /dev/null
AuthName “Sam’s Blog”
AuthType Basic

  require user xxxxx yyyyy

The offending line is in Bold Blue, more specifically that one little old apostrophe.  😉

All fixed now, boys and girls. 😀

New Bootlegs on CRAB

crab_radio_01Had the day off today, and what better thing to do on a day off except add more music to the server….  😉

I still have lots more to send, but I really need to ‘chip away’ at the stone.

Here’s what I added today:

ACDC – 1979-09-01 – Zeppelinfeld, Nurnberg, Germany
Deep Purple – 1988 – Autobahn
Deep Purple – 1994 – Live at St. Gallen Festival
Grand Funk Railroad – 1970-07-29 – Hampton Beach
Grand Funk Railroad – 1971 – Hawaii July 12, 1971
Grand Funk Railroad – 1971-12-04 – Dusseldorf
Grand Funk Railroad – 1974-06-02 – LA Forum
Lynyrd Skynyrd – 1977-07-13 – Asbury Park, NJ
Michael Schenker Group – 1980 – Rehearsals
Michael Schenker Group – 1982 – Assault Attack Demos
Michael Schenker Group – 1983 – Wurtzburg
Michael Schenker Group – 1984-01-27 – Nagoya, Japan
Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes – 1974-02-09 – Papa Joe’s
Ted Nugent and the Amboy Dukes – 1975-05-03 – Tower Theatre
Whitesnake – 1978 – Must Be The Gypsy In Me
Whitesnake – 1982 – Saints and Sinners Tour Rehearsals
Whitesnake – 1988 – Olympic Pool – Tokyo 13.06.1988
Whitesnake – 1997 – The Last Farewell

Probably the most notable of the new additions is the July 1977 Recording of Lynyrd Skynyrd at Asbury Park.  This is probably the last recording before the horrific plane crash.

Enjoy!!  And, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!!

‘NEW’ page now working on CRAB


Got the NEW page working on the CRAB server……  It was more than likely a side effect of the Apache server upgrade somewhere around the Fedora 18 or 19 upgrade.  Here’s how I did it:

I became root user, then opened a terminal in the requests directory.

# nano .htaccess

Then, I put the following into the file:

Options +Includes
AddType text/html .html .shtml .txt
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html .shtml .txt

Saved the file, then restarted Apache as follows:

# systemctl restart httpd

That took care of it, but I think I shall try putting that .htaccess file in CRAB’s document root, as well as the main server document root.  I think that might be a better place for that file.  😀

Tech, music, and general ramblings…..