Server gets larger system drive, and the root LVM extended.

Well, as you all saw in my post on 28 Jan, the root partition only had 29G free, so I felt that an expansion was in order.  The original IDE drive was 200 GB, so only 50 GB was allocated to the root partition.  I ‘cloned’ the existing drive to a new 250GB IDE drive using clonezilla, whichScreenshot-1 was exceedingly easy.  Now, to expand the root partition.  This is blivet-gui, which is supposed to be the new partition management tool, not quite out of beta yet.  However, it refuses to do anything to a mounted partition, so it looked like command line tools were going to have to do.  The commands needed will be:  fdisk, lvs, pvcreate, vgs, vgextend, lvextend, mkfs.ext4, and resize2fs.  You can see by the screen shot, that the new drive has been installed with 46.5 GB of free ‘unallocated’ space.  It is this space that I want to use.  😉  The first step is to use the df -h and lvs commands to collect some information that you will need.  Next, break out our old friend fdisk in order to partition and prepare the free space.  #fdisk  /dev/sda in my case.  Then, create another primary partition (3 of 4 allowable).  Screenshot-4After, that is done, change the partition type from Linux to LVM (8e).   Then, we have to create an ext4 filesystem by doing: #mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda3.  Now, all we need to do is to extend the volume group and capture the free space into the logical volume for root.  😉  First, initialize the partition as a physical volume by:  #pvcreate /dev/sda3.  Now, check the volume groups using the command #vgs.  Now, we can extend it.  The command I used was  #vgextend vg_cap /dev/sda3.  Just a couple more commands…. We are almost there!  Next, we extend the logical volume (lv_root) with all the free space of the volume group (vg_cap).  #lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/vg_cap/lv_root.  Now, to resize the filesystem:  #resize2fs /dev/vg_cap/lv_root.  Finally, verify everything is fine using df-h, lvs, and vgs.  As you can see, lv_root is now 95GB, with 73GB free.  Screenshot-5 Everything is fine, with the only casualty being that blivet-gui doesn’t seem to run any longer, but that’s no big problem since it didn’t really give me any advantage on a mounted filesystem.  Moral of the story:  The TRUE strength of Linux resides in the CLI (Command Line Interface), shell, terminal, or whatever you choose to call it.  Always has and always will.  As a matter of fact, I accomplished all this over SSH, using VNC just for screenshots.  😉


Extending root LVM is the new server priority

Well, since the backup drive started playing nicely and I didn’t have to replace it, extending the root LVM is the new priority, since the system drive is only a 200GB drive, and the / LVM is only 50GB.  Besides the spare 2TB drive, I also bought a 250GB IDE drive in order to expand the root filesystem for a bit of breathing room.

This is the output of df -h and should show the why I need this:  Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_root 50G 19G 29G 39% /
/dev/sdb1 1.8T 883G 858G 51% /mnt/storage
/dev/sda1 477M 192M 257M 43% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg_cap-lv_home 128G 33G 90G 27% /home

You see, only 29GB free…..  /home is in better shape, with 90GB free.

Even though, I will probably use command line tools I checked up on system-config-lvm and found that it had basically been abandoned since Fedora 19, and it now resides in the F19 rawhide repository.    GParted is not a solution, since it doesn’t support LVM partitions.  While noblivet-gui-1t included in F20, Fedora announced news of a new partition manager called blivet-gui.  This is a screenshot of it, and you can see that it looks a lot like GParted,  Since it is not included in the Fedora repositories yet, your only option is to add the repos, so that you can install it and the dependencies using yum.  Here is the link so you you may install the F20 or F21 repository….  vtrefny-blivet-gui-fedora-repo  Simply, download the zip, unzip the file and put the proper repo file in the directory /etc/yum.repos.d/ so that yum can properly install blivet-gui.  I really don’t think that I’ll utilize this tool, but rather expand the root LVM using command line tools such as:  lvdisplay, lvs, vgs, vgextend, and resize2fs, but more on that later……

Strange server behavior

Earlier in the month, I noticed that for some reason server ‘auto backups’ were not occuring, with the last one being 20 Dec 2014.  Upon investigation, I found that not only could I not mount /dev/sdc/ , the backup drive,  but fdisk -l |grep Disk wouldn’t even list it.  So, I figured that the drive died, so I ordered another 2 TB drive.  I also ordered a spare 250GB IDE drive.

Yesterday, I was going to prep and replace /dev/sdc.  I found that after a reboot, the server not only recognized the backup drive, but its data seemed intact, with the exception of the last sys partition backup.  So, I immediately did another fresh, full sys partition backup.

Well, at least now, I have a spare 2GB data drive, as well as a spare 250GB boot drive (the current one is only 200GB) onsite.  Could have been worse, I imagine.  😉


Massive New Year bootleg upload

Happy New Year!  What better way to ring in the new year, but with even more bootlegs.  I just uploaded these to the server:





38 Special – 1981 – Muzzle Flash
38 Special – 1984 – Dallas
Alice Cooper – 1973-05-11 – Forum, Los Angeles, CA
Alice Cooper – 1975-06-17 – KBFH – Los Angeles Forum
Alice Cooper – 1975-06-17 – KBFH – Los Angeles Forum cut
Alice Cooper – 1980-06-04 El Paso
April Wine – 1982.09.24 – Power Play In Cedar Rapids
Black Sabbath – 1974.04.06 – Live at the California Jam
Blue Oyster Cult – 1981-06-18 – The Thing – NY
Blue Oyster Cult – 1988-03-26 – The Cabaret
Blue Oyster Cult – 2008-06-07 – Sweden Rock Festival
Blue Oyster Cult – 2012-12-17 – iHeart RadioNY
Boston – 1977-03-19 – King Biscuit Flower Hour
Boston – 1987-08-24 – The Journey Into Centrum
Canned Heat – 1972 – WBCN Studios Boston Disc 1
Canned Heat – 1972 – WBCN Studios Boston Disc 2
Dokken-Girlschool – 1984-02-26 – King Biscuit Flower Hour
Foreigner – 1978 – Philadelphia
Free – 1970 – Isle of Wight & Stockholm
Free – 1971-01-22 – Rock Me Stealer – Santa Monica
Golden Earring – 1989 – Den Haag Netherlands
Helloween – 1992 – Live In Koln 1992
Joan Jett – 1980.12.27 – Live at the Bottom Line NYC
Joan Jett – 1981.05.01 – Jett Lagg – Long Island, NY
Krokus – 1980-05-21 – In Session
Krokus – 1982-05 – My Fathers Place
Krokus – 1984 – Cobo Hall Detroit
Molly Hatchet – 1981 – Los Angeles
Ted Nugent – 1978.12.03 – Omaha NE
Ted Nugent – 1981 – Nugent Nuggets LA
The Runaways – 1976-07-19 – Live at The Agora
The Runaways – 1976.xx.xx – ForeverLost – Palladium NY and Oslo NO
The Runaways – 1978.01.07 – Wasted – The Palladium New York

And, don’t forget to tune in to Happy Hour – CRAB Radio Live Saturdays at 8 PM Eastern (ending around midnight)


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