Planning on changing UPS batteries today.

Well, the replacement batteries for my APC Smart-ups 750XL finally arrived, and I am planning on ‘hot swapping’ the batteries today.  NO server downtime will be associated with this task.  Replacement is indicated because a few months ago, they started failing auto self test, then they passed for a month or so, then started failing again.  So, I think they are toast.  😉

I’m Eighteen

Posted this on Facebook, but wanted to post it here, as well…..

Just finished this one… I have a memory of sitting around with John Rutter (I think) while at Tehran American School figuring this one out. No wonder why I couldn’t remember how to play this and had to relearn it. Seems the song I learn this week, I forget next week, heh. Isn’t that CRS syndrome? Recorded this with my P Bass over a backing track. Thanks to Mark Puklin last week at work for mentioning this song, and reminding me why I ever picked up a bass in the first place. Enjoy!

I’m Eighteen

Fixed WordPress blog ‘update’ plugin problem

Well, there is start up issues with whatever web content, script or whatever that you are starting to run for the first time.  This is true, whether it’s server-based, such as happens with a blog, or running on your local desktop.

My security plugin scanned, and detected a new version, so wanted to update it.  The process puked and failed.  I tracked down the issue to the upgrade directory not having the right permissions.  I fixed it this morning by simply doing ‘chmod 777 upgrade’.  End of story.  It’s working as it should, now.

For now, user registration is off.  I am pondering the risks vs. advantages to enabling it.  So, if anybody wants a blog user account, simply message me on Facebook.

Tech, music, and general ramblings…..