Well, last night at about 0230 Hrs, the Fedora 18 update completed. I really didn’t think that Fedup would work, since Fedora 17 was depreciated. So, I used yum to perform the uprade: (Become root)
# rpm –import https://fedoraproject.org/static/DE7F38BD.txt
# yum update yum
# yum clean all
# yum --releasever=18 --disableplugin=presto distro-sync
After it finished, I rebooted and quickly discovered that a couple major things were broken. First, the ices was not running, so the stream was dead. Second, Apache had upgraded from 2.2 to 2.4 and caused all the virtual hosts to die.
The ices problem was an easy one, as somehow libshout-devel had become not installed, so using yum, I reinstalled it.
The virtual hosts problem was a bit tougher. I have a fairly unique configuration for my virtual hosts, in that httpd.conf ‘includes’ a vhost configuration file for each virtual host. So, I had to copy my ‘includes’ back into the new httpd.conf file from the httpd.conf.rpmnew that the upgrade saved with the original config. Then, I had to insert the following into each vhost config file right above Document Root:
<Directory path_to_document_root/>
Require all granted
Everything seems to be working fine, now I shall image this again, before I ponder what to do about the Fedora 19 upgrade. Oh, before I forget, a vnc session looks a little bit different than a login at the server. Here’s another look of vnc: